Monday, June 15, 2015

NCSM Leadership Academy

NCSM Leadership Academy

Mathematics Leadership in a Time of Change: Building Leaders at all Levels 

“If the primary role of classroom teachers is to teach, who provides guidance on what to teach, support for improving how to teach, and assistance with interpreting assessment results...? The answer is leaders. These critical supportive roles require designated, trained, empowered leaders who are responsible for coordinating the planning, implementation, and evaluation of all aspects of the mathematics program...Leadership matters. A single mathematics education leader can have an incredible impact on the development and effectiveness of others.” (It’s Time pp. 15-16)

Being a leader of mathematics means taking steps for equity and social justice. “Social justice means equality and fairness among diverse people. We advance social justice when we advocate for, expect, and achieve fair outcomes, basic rights, security, and opportunities in school and society. Equity in mathematics achievement refers to equitable outcomes for all students, not just equity of access or opportunity.” (It’s Time pg. 8)

During the three-day academy, participants will focus on social justice for leading mathematics and learn more about: 

  • supporting curriculum design by assisting teachers in using rich and challenging problems and activities that integrate mathematics into other disciplines and the content of other disciplines into mathematics; 
  • supporting instructional strategies and materials by modeling effective instructional strategies for teachers; 
  • supporting assessment by assisting teachers in designing and implementing a broad range of assessment tools; 
  • supporting professional development by encouraging and facilitating ongoing professional collaboration and effective collaborative structures; 
  • supporting partnerships by establishing and supporting forums and encouraging dialogue among groups that influence the shape and direction of school mathematics programs;
  • supporting the understanding of the change process by learning how to encourage adult learners in reaching the goal of improving their own instruction to improve student achievement.

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