Friday, August 11, 2017

Does it bring you joy?

Teaching is a tough job. In these times, when teachers are political targets, it can be easy to get bogged down in all the hard and terrible parts of the job.  In those moments, it is hard to remember exactly why you started teaching in the first place. 

This past year I read a book entitled The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  The book was written by an organizer named Marie Kondo.  The book focuses on her method for helping people declutter.  The primary question that her clients have to answer about each possession is "Does it bring you joy?".  This year I have tried to use that advice to focus on the things I love about my job rather than the things that I don't.  

My youngest daughter whose laughter brings me joy
The years between 0 and 22 are a time of wonder and discovery.  I got into teaching so that I could get a chance to experience that wonder and discovery alongside the students I teach.  I take so much joy from watching my students learn new things, overcome obstacles, and discover who they want to be when they grow up.  I am  continually humbled that I get to be a part of that development for so many children and young adults (including two children that I gave birth to). 

This past week, we had our second annual MCubed.  I spent two days surrounded by dedicated teachers from all across the state.  I got see the joy they get from working with students.  That joy is so evident in the way they talk about what they do, their energy, and their commitment.  Working with teachers like these is another thing that brings me joy. 

A new school year is upon us.  I hope that this year you celebrate those things about teaching that bring you joy and let go of all the parts of teaching that do not. Celebrate the little breakthroughs and the big ones.  Save the emails from grateful parents and colleagues.  Take time for yourself and your family.  Rediscover all the things that brought you to this profession. 

Best Wishes,  Hilary

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